
Mount and blade warband weapon master
Mount and blade warband weapon master

Attribute points are assigned during character creation and for every three levels you will gain 1 Attribute point. You can gain increased experience to a specific set of skills by assigning Attribute Points and Focus Points. Skills can be increased by gaining experience to it by performing related actions. Thankfully, any gaps in your skills can be remedied with the right companions.

mount and blade warband weapon master

However, some skills are more useful than others, especially since Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord is set in Calradia during a time of great strife where war, battle, and banditry is common improving combat related skills is crucial in order to succeed early on. When creating your own character, it may be tempting to be great at everything. Every single king, queen, peasant, and soldier makes use of the same skills as you do, making this guide useful not just for you, but also for understanding your companions and hirelings attributes.

mount and blade warband weapon master

There are a total of 18 Skills and over 250 perks in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord, all of which bring their own unique flavor to your warband.

Mount and blade warband weapon master